Goals & Practice Scholar Packet Extras

If you purchased our Goals & Practice Scholar Packet from 2023 and are looking for your backing tracks, you are in the right place! Below you will see that you can press play and listen to them through our website, or click on the world DOWNLOAD for each track, to download them to your computer.

Thank you for supporting our livestreams, and allowing us to continue to have these free to the public. We truly appreciate you and all of our Ukulele Community.

You will see backing tracks for multiple keys to allow you to practice your moveable scales and even chord shapes, if you desire. We also have backing tracks for “Wild World” as well, so you can work on that song at various speeds. Below is the video mini lesson from Sarah, taking you through her “Inchworm 2” exercise and different ideas for practicing scales and chord tones.

Here are some popular keys for our progressions. For those of you familiar with the number system, we are playing a 1-6-2-5 (I - vi - ii - V).

There are two versions - one referred to as Straight, or straight time. This has a straight time feel, with no swing. Then we have a version with swing. All of the Progression backing tracks are a 32 form that repeats twice, so you have a nice LONG time to practice!

The Chords are C - Am - Dm - G7

The Chords are D - Bm - Em - A7

The Chords are F - Dm - Gm - C7

The Chords are G - Em - Am - D7

Wild World plays through just like the original song, however, the ending is slightly elongated, with an extra measure of C at the end.