Finger Style Scholar Packet Extras

If you purchased our Finger Style Scholar Packet and are looking for all of your goodies you are in the right place! Just below are two videos from Aaron, Performance and Tutorial for John Greer’s Two Step. This song and many others are found in their Baritone book, however Aaron took some time to film a new lesson just for the Scholar Packet with the song for this dropped standard ukulele tuning. Notice in the sheet music, you will need to re-tune your instrument. You will lower (loosen) your G string to F, and the A string to G.

Thank you for supporting our livestreams, and allowing us to continue to have these free to the public. We truly appreciate you and all of our Ukulele Community.

Sarah’s mini lesson video is also now available, as well as the D Major Backing Tracks so you can use those for practice, if you wish.

If you enjoy Aaron’s video, below, please consider subscribing to his Youtube Channel for more amazing lessons. Also, you can purchase the book that contains this song and other on their website:

You may download the backing tracks to your computer, or just listen to them via this website. If you would like to download them, click on the DOWNLOAD button listed on the tracks (right side).

John Henry Backing Tracks - The song form is repeated 5 times

Backing Tracks if you wish to use them for your D Scale Variations.